søndag 2. september 2012

Dyr / Mammals & animals USA-visit 2012

 Dyr vi traff på ferieturen sommeren 2012 i midtvesten USA (Minnesota, Dakotas, Wyoming m.fl.).
Dyr vi ikke traff på, så vi i en dyrehage (Bear Country) i Rapid City SD. Bildene derfra er merket.

Bøffel (Bison) WY.

Bøffel (Bison) SD.

Bøffel (Bison) SD.

Elk / Wapiti WY.

Elk, Bear Country Zoo SD.

Elk, Bear Country Zoo SD.

Mule Deer SD.

Mule deer, Bear Country Zoo SD.

Pronghorn SD.

Pronghorn SD.

Hare/rabbit WY.

Prairie dog SD.

Prairie dog WY.

Prairie dog WY.

Prairie dog WY.

Chipmunk SD.

Squirrel SD.

Ollie 'the stick-fetching waterdog'

Bighorn Sheep, Bear Country Zoo SD.

Mountain Goat. Bear Country Zoo SD.

Reindeer / Cariboo, Bear Country Zoo SD.

A white Wolf, Bear Country Zoo, SD.

Svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Brun svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Brun svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Svartbjørn (Black Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

Pronghorn 8.juli 2012 Zoo?

Grizzlybjørn (Grizzly Bear) Zoo 8.juli 2012.

lørdag 1. september 2012

Fugler / birds USA Summer 2012

Fugler og dyr fra Amerika-ferien 2012, fra Minnesota, Dakotas, Wyoming hovedsaklig. Besøkte bl.a. Black Hills, SD, og Yellowstone nasjonalpark WY.
Dokumentasjon av en del arter er gitt prioritet foran billedkvalitet.

Birds and animals from a vacation trip to USA in June-July 2012. Images from Minnesotas, Black Hills SD, Yellowstone national park WY among others.
Species documentation has been given priority before photo quality.

Amerikansk gråmåke Larus smithsonianus (Herring/Smithsonian gull) MN.

Kanadagås Branta canadensis (Canada goose) MN.

Brudeand (Wood Duck) WY.

Islandsand Bucephala islandica (Barrow's Goldeneye) WY.

Stivhaleand (Ruddy Duck) MN.

Stivhaleand (Ruddy Duck) MN.

Laksand Mergus merganser (Merganser) MN.

Islom Gavia immer (Common loon) MN.

Islom Gavia immer (Common loon) MN.

Ringnebbdykker (Pied-Billed Grebe) MN. 

Totoppskarv Phalacrocorax auritus (Double-crested cormorant) MN.

Pelikan Pelecanus erythrorhynchus (American White Pelican) MN.

Pelikan Pelecanus erythrorhynchus (American White Pelican) MN.

Pelikan Pelecanus erythrorhynchus (American White Pelican) MN. Også en totoppskarv (Double-Crested Cormorant) og ei ringand (Ring-Necked Duck).

Pelikan Pelecanus erythrorhynchus (American White Pelican) MN. Også et kull med brudeand (Wood Duck), og ringand (Ring-Necked Duck).

Pelikan Pelecanus erythrorhynchus (American White Pelican) Yellowstone NP WY 10.juli.

Hvithodeørn Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Bald eagle) ung, MN.

Fiskeørn Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) MN.

Fiskeørn Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) MN.

Fiskeørn Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) MN.

Fiskeørn Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) MN.

Kalkungribb Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture) SD.

Kalkungribb Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture) MN.

Kalkungribb Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture) Devil's Tower WY.

Kalkungribb Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture) Devil's Tower WY.

Kalkungribb Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture) Devil's Tower WY.

Kalkungribb Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture) Devil's Tower WY.

Rødhalevåk (Red-Tailed Hawk) SD.

Rødhalevåk (Red-Tailed Hawk) IO.

Rødhalevåk (Red-Tailed Hawk) IO.

Rødhalevåk (Red-Tailed Hawk) IO.

Rødhalevåk (Red-Tailed Hawk) IO.

Dendragapus canadensis (Spruce grouse) hann, MN.

Vill kalkun (Turkey) SD.

Ringnebbmåke Larus delawarensis (Ring-Billed Gull) Ontario, CAN.

Amerikansk gråmåke Larus smithsonianus (Herring/Smithsonian gull) MN.

Tobeltlo Charadrius vociferus (Killdeer) SD.

Tobeltlo Charadrius vociferus (Killdeer) SD.

Flekksnipe (Actitis macularia) Spotted sandpiper Black Hills SD.

Tyrkerdue Streptopelia decaocto WY.

Sørgedue (Mourning Dove) MN.

Chordeiles minor (Common Nighthawk) SD.

Chordeiles minor (Common Nighthawk) SD.

Gjennom vinduet (through the window) Picoides villosus (Hairy woodpecker) ungfugl, MN.

Colaptes auratus (Common Flicker) WY.

Colaptes auratus (Common Flicker) WY.

Aeronautes saxatilis (White-Throated Swift) WY.

Tachycineta bicolor (Tree swallow) MN.

Vandretrost Turdus migratorius (American Robin) MN.

Bombycilla cedrorum (Cedar waxwing) MN.

Sitta carolinensis (White-breasted Nuthatch) SD.

Sitta canadensis (Red-breasted Nuthatch) SD.

(Kingbird) WY.

(Kingbird) WY.

(Kingbird) WY.

(Flycatcher) WY.

Yellow rumped warbler (Dendroica coronata) Black Hills SD.

Gulstrupe Geothlypis trichas (Common Yellowthroat) MN.

(Meadowlark) WY.

Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-Winged Blackbird) SD.

Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-Winged Blackbird) SD.

Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-Winged Blackbird) SD.

Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-Winged Blackbird) SD.

Quiscalus quiscula (Common grackle) SD.

(Blackbird/Grackle) MN.

Molothrus ater (Brown-Headed Cowbird) SD

Molothrus ater (Brown-Headed Cowbird) juvenile SD

Ravn Corvus corax (raven) WY

Ravn Corvus corax (raven)

Hvitstrupespurv Zonotrichia albicollis (White-throated Sparrow) MN.

Hvitstrupespurv Zonotrichia albicollis (White-throated Sparrow) MN.

? Spizella passerina juv. (Chipping sparrow) MN.

Spizella passerina (Chipping sparrow) MN

Junco hyemalis (Dark-eyed Junco) SD.

(Lark Sparrow) WY.

(Lark Bunting) WY.

(Lazuli Bunting) WY.

(Pine Siskin) WY.

Western Tanager female SD

Western Tanager male SD

(Sparrow) WY.

(Sparrow) MN.